Wednesday, October 6, 2010

the beginning...

Well starting my first blog...  for the first blog i want to mention how i started all this.... ohh u must b thinking what i am talkin about... of course i hab not even mentioned who i am and what i am talking about... ok... i am Astha,(Last name not so important. u'll know tht urself) an IT student right now and wish to contribute some in animation field and want to document ignored, never before seen or visited places, things and all....
coming to personal info, i am not so very social but make friends really fast... i am fun loving, travel loving, adventure loving person and also confused type of person.... change mind too often and have no idea where i am gonna be in coming time... and i don't think much about too far too... i theenk living in present is more important....
ok thts all abt me right now... now lets come to wat i am doing here.... well i have started with Photography finally....Finally because i always wanted to get into this but never actually got the chance and the main reason was i did not give much attention to this part of my interest(was always caught up in works i was not very interested in.... sigh...). I would just take pictures here and there of things that caught my eye but i knew tht was not only what i wanted to do with camera thing.... but recently things changed, i met this guy and we became really close friends in matter of few days... he is one of those few amazing people i have met yet... And he is really really amazing with photographs and camera and so i asked him if he could guide me with it.... and guess what?? he did.... and finally i started.... got into the thing i wanted to since long ago (the part of my interest which i hadn't paid much attention to).... and i am enjoying this more than anything i have ever done... and i wud hate myself if i forget to thank this really special and sweet friend... Thank you!! this one for my friend... :)no1 apart from him is gonna take this particular Thank you ok?!?
So why am i here must be clear to you by now.. (If not) i am here to share my works with you all.... Since i am still a beginner i keep taking very random shots and in this particular space i will be showing you some of my very 'starting' snaps. I do not think this is not the best i can give but since i had started with these pictures, i thought these pictures should be placed at the first place. Most of these pictures are taken long ago some are quite recent than others. All in all the works in this posts are completely random shots so no paticular theme. .. 
Hopefully upcoming posts will have a particular theme in it......

One more step towards....
Posted this one on the top because it is like really close....  It inspires me to take one more step ahead.....

What a wonderful world.....

Just liked the roof and the window so captured... and now lyk the pic...

Lemme fly till the sky ends...
This one is one of my really beginner pic.. not actually beginner pic... was taken long long ago but now flipping through pictures i luv this one...

Smile pliiiiz...

Sunset and the silhoutte....
a pic taken by the cam in my mobile..... turned out better thn i expected it to...

Struggle for life....
one early morning i was gardening and saw this.... the little worm was really working hard to get in or out of it...

Growing in the wild....
a flower tht blooms in the wild with no grooming and special attention... yet it is so pure, so clean, so beautiful......

Shivalinga on steps.....

from the bushes....

Bloom and bloom..... 

totally abstract....

hold on....

Watch and don't forget to rate, comment, criticize and enjoy... :)